
Showing posts from 2004


Zoron is the planet I'm from. Well, not really, but it was a good joke in 8th grade and it's stuck with me ever since. But anywho, that makes me a Zoranian. To all you Earthlings out there, the only difference is that you can't hear the Tootsie Rolls like I can. Although, I'm not really supposed to eat Tootsie Rolls because of my TMJ, but I really like their music. Zoron is a wonderful planet with a completely female population. Obviously, mating takes place among these aliens. The males of the species are shipped off to another planet until they reach the one day in their lives where they are actually mature enough to be around females. Then, after that one day, they are promptly shipped back. I am the Zoranian ambassador to planet Earth. I know all of the aliens currently on the planet, as well as those who wish to immigrate. The journey to Zoron takes only a few minutes, and many times earthlings never even know that I am gone. Basically, it's weird.

Rainy Surprises

Today was great! I just finished my business law exam and then stepped outside to spend a few minutes with this incredible smart and handsome man, and we were sitting there on the bench talking about how happy we were and I said something about sitting there until the rain started, and of course the rain chose that moment to begin. But fortunately, I decided to ignore my previous statement and sit there in the rain. So these huge drops are falling from the sky slowly, drip drip plop drop drip plop. And then, a few strangers walk by and laugh at us, so we sit there longer, the drops falling steadier and harder until suddenly, whoosh. The bottom of the cloud drops out and starts drenching us. So we sit there for a few more minutes, enjoying the huge cool drops on such a hot day, but we're so wet and the water is so cool that we decide it might be best to head on back. So we're walking along, singing and dancing and splashing in the rain and it hits me. This is perfection. Perf...