Food Stamps or Middle Class
I came to a stunning realization the other day. I was reading an article on about the example of two people on food stamps and the "worry" and apparent crisis of whether they would have enough food to make it through the month. My realization: my husband and I spend less than one person gets on food stamps. I was shocked and amazed. How is it possible that a single 50-something year old man can complain in front of a nation that he "only" gets about $250 a month on food stamps when my husband and I spend about $200-$225? That budget isn't just for rice and beans. We eat cheaply, but we still have choices. We include alcohol and paper goods in that budget. We buy frozen chicken cutlets and bulk hamburger meat. We eat a lot of generic brands, but we can also buy fruits and vegetables if we choose to. The family of four (nearly $500 a month) was "unable" to buy fruits and vegetables and the mother "went without" so her kids could