
Showing posts from March, 2015

St. Patrick's Day Ramblings

So, now it’s only been two months since my last post. Is de-proving a word, meaning that someone is not improving? Well, the good news is, that things in the real world have picked up recently. I’ve become the social maven of our new town. It all started with the first “real friend” I made, in the library of all places. After my last post, I decided to do something about what I wrote. I had been planning on attending a couple of library story time sessions at several different libraries. The first couple of times I went to story time, I felt like I couldn’t really try to talk to anyone there. They just weren’t really interested, or we got there late or left early. Or maybe it seemed like they already had friends they were meeting there. Well, I was staying from a 9:30 story time until a 10:30 story time, and noticed someone else with kids a bit older than mine who was doing the same thing. So I went out-cognito! I can make up words all I want, it’s the internet… My new fri...