
Showing posts from July, 2024

We're Back! (homeschool edition)

 Obviously, I decided to get back to blogging too. I'm not a YouTuber, although I did find some helpful YouTube videos to round out our homeschool curriculum choices for the upcoming school year.  We entered the public school system for the first time during my oldest son's first year of middle school. The 2021-2022 school year was a transition for all of us, and for the world. We couldn't meet our oldest son's social needs from home anymore, because the shut downs had ended pretty much all of our fun homeschool activities.  He finished 6th and 7th grade at a charter school, and the experience had lots of ups and downs. We had the usual bullying, the dump into the deep end of secular values, the commute, trying to pack lunches he would eat.  Our 3rd son completed Kindergarten during the 2022-2023 school year. We knew we wanted to homeschool him for 2023-2024 for various issues related to the school. During his first homeschool year, we planned to focus primarily on him,