Spring Break

I have been somewhat concerned about my ability to homeschool my oldest when he is driving me crazy. However, I think as long as the weather is nice, he should be fine. He has been so busy playing outside 3-5 hours a day and riding bikes around the culdesac, that he is exhausted. He took a 2 hour nap yesterday and went to bed without much of an argument.

Getting him to focus and participate for the hour and a half or so that school will take is my main concern, in addition to making sure he has enough social activities. The curriculum I've chosen would be perfect with 2-3 other kids, but I hesitate to take that upon myself when I don't know for sure if I'll continue homeschooling or how my youngest will handle "school time".

Of course, we just moved into the neighborhood too, so it will be an interesting summer as I (hopefully) meet more families with young kids once the pool opens. It is fascinating that we have so many kids the same age as my oldest in the neighborhood. I know of at least four or five kids that are within 6-8 months or so of each other.

Either way, we aren't doing much "school" right now. We had a fascinating nature study of a large ant or wasp that was being attacked by tiny black ants who were literally pulling the larger bug apart with their massive strength. We also had some great discussions about dragonflies and bees. We definitely get our physical activity in every day now that the weather is nice (as long as it's not too muddy). The garden is going strong, and the house is starting to come together.

Instead of doing "reading lessons", we've progressed to the point of reading level 1 or 2 Early Readers or the Bible stories in his children's Bible, and discussing any unfamiliar words. He's very excited to be "Reading on his own" and loves to visit the library.

I'm definitely enjoying being home with them more than I did over the winter, and glad to be in a spot where they have friends their age.


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