Updated Design

With some of the blog posts getting longer, I decided to truncate some of my more recent posts while on the main page, to help clean up the design and make it more readable. Let me know if you like or dislike the new format by commenting on this post.

In other news, I have wondered lately if it is suddenly no longer rude to be on your phone in certain situations (such as a child's birthday party). I understand wanting to take a picture with your phone, but the texting or scrolling, and the earbuds in listening to a movie  seems a little rude to me.

It made me start wondering if all this technology has made us lose our sense of "being". It was beautiful weather outside this weekend,
and I watched the motorcyclists out in force just riding along, no where to go particularly. Since most of them were older (50's and 60's) it made me wonder if they still had that sense of being. When you go for that Sunday drive on your motorcycle, you're not trying to accomplish anything, you're not worried about what you're missing out on, you're not trying to get something done, or mindlessly wasting time on "entertainment".

Instead, when you're on that motorcycle, you're one with the machine. You feel the vibrations of the road, you feel the sun on your helmet and the wind whipping past your body. You are forced to focus completely on what you're doing, so you can let your mind become open.

I've never actually ridden a motorcycle, but that's what I'm imagining as I drive past them in my comfortable car. It's a big difference, because in my car, I don't have to be present mentally. I can tune out and think of something else, or worry about something else, or get stuck on where I need to be instead of where I physically am.

Whether we're working or relaxing, in this technological age of ours, we need to focus on truly being. Being physically present, instead of finishing up one more e-mail at work. Being emotionally present, instead of logging on and checking out. Being spiritually present by asking, waiting, and listening for an answer, instead of Googling or escaping our problems via entertainment. Being present in the stillness and present in the busyness.

I have a feeling that it's not the busyness of our lives that's leading us astray, it's the fact that we aren't truly present in our lives. When we substitute our avatar for the real one, we're walking in dangerous territory. Let's work on being present in whatever we do today. It's important to our kids, our spouse, our friends, our co-workers, but it may be most vital to our soul.

So, take a deep breath. Turn off the screen. Feel your body. Silence your thoughts. Ask God what's most important to Him today. Then get up out of your chair, off your couch, out the door or into another door, and be physically, mentally, and spiritually present as you fulfill His purpose in creating you.


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