Preschool Curriculum Decisions
I was recently asked to help design the preschool curriculum for the homeschool co-op at church. I really enjoy the preschool age group, as long as it's not my own kids (or at least not just my own kids). They are at a very unique age, where they are learning so much, just through being in different environments. However, they are also at a difficult age, because they are learning how to purposefully misbehave and they have a LOT of energy.
My basic plan for the co-op is to have 15 minute "learning sessions" with free play in between. So, 15 minutes of talking about the weather or singing songs or playing games, and then 15 minutes of free play. The times can be flexible, but 10-15 minutes is usually sufficient for an attention span for a 2-4 year old.
I have also been looking through an amazing book I found at the Homeschool Gathering Place called Science Play. Science Play (Williamson Little Hands Series) (Williamson Little Hands Book)
It has a lot of really great ideas that I plan on using, and most of the materials are things that I can easily collect from our recycling bin in a couple of weeks.
I've also thought a lot more about what to do with my soon to be 2.5 year old when we officially start homeschooling next year. I'm sure that he will enjoy following along with most of the activities my Kindergartner completes, however, I will need some individual time for phonics and mathematics instruction for Kindergarten.
My plan for now is to do "homeschool" lesson plans 3 days a week (we have the co-op on Tuesdays and I plan on making Thursdays "field trip" days). I will use Mother Hubbard activities for preschool for 15-30 minutes, then focus on Kindergarten for 1 hour and each child can follow along with whatever the other child is "learning". I think this will help them both stay focused and keep me from having to deal with constant interruptions. I also plan on allowing them each 15-30 minutes of computer (or Kindle or TV) time while the other is studying. Fire HD 7, 7" HD Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB - Includes Special Offers, Black
Hopefully this works out, and if not, I'm not too worried. Often, when we're making these decisions (curriculum, type of school, when to start school) for our children, we feel like the weight of their whole life is on our shoulders. I've made my decisions for this year, and now I need to rest in God's hands and let him guide my child's future.
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My basic plan for the co-op is to have 15 minute "learning sessions" with free play in between. So, 15 minutes of talking about the weather or singing songs or playing games, and then 15 minutes of free play. The times can be flexible, but 10-15 minutes is usually sufficient for an attention span for a 2-4 year old.
I have also been looking through an amazing book I found at the Homeschool Gathering Place called Science Play. Science Play (Williamson Little Hands Series) (Williamson Little Hands Book)
I've also thought a lot more about what to do with my soon to be 2.5 year old when we officially start homeschooling next year. I'm sure that he will enjoy following along with most of the activities my Kindergartner completes, however, I will need some individual time for phonics and mathematics instruction for Kindergarten.
My plan for now is to do "homeschool" lesson plans 3 days a week (we have the co-op on Tuesdays and I plan on making Thursdays "field trip" days). I will use Mother Hubbard activities for preschool for 15-30 minutes, then focus on Kindergarten for 1 hour and each child can follow along with whatever the other child is "learning". I think this will help them both stay focused and keep me from having to deal with constant interruptions. I also plan on allowing them each 15-30 minutes of computer (or Kindle or TV) time while the other is studying. Fire HD 7, 7" HD Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB - Includes Special Offers, Black
Hopefully this works out, and if not, I'm not too worried. Often, when we're making these decisions (curriculum, type of school, when to start school) for our children, we feel like the weight of their whole life is on our shoulders. I've made my decisions for this year, and now I need to rest in God's hands and let him guide my child's future.
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