What is Fiction Friday?

So, you may have noticed that Fiction Friday posts are initial chapters or prologue chapters for various stories. None of these are completed manuscripts (although some do have more chapters or writing available). Over the next two weeks, I will be taking votes, and the manuscript with the most votes will be the one I focus on over the next few months. I will try to post a new chapter or part of a chapter every week until it is finished!

When I actually finish, I will then go back and clean up any major editing errors and I may even decide to self-publish the completed manuscript. Wouldn't that be exciting? So, if you want to participate in this "fan fiction" adventure, vote now!

Take the Poll!

View the Results!

If you need to go back to see what you've missed on previous Fiction Fridays, you can either click the "writing" link at the top of the page and scroll down, or click the links below to go directly to the chapters.


Breaking Dawn


A Midnight Engagement


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