Fair Fun

Tuesday marked the third (and final for us) day in a row of visiting the NC State Fair. We had a blast each day, and did a lot of really fun "field trip" type things, as well as the usual fair food and rides. We spent a ton of money and did a lot of free things as well. Overall, it was definitely worth it, although it may take me a full three days to recover.

We're all getting over a bit of a cough and cold as well, so that has certainly made things more interesting. Keeping the kids out late, wearing ourselves out walking all over the park, but even with all that, my 2 year old somehow thinks that he doesn't need a nap as I write this on Wednesday. He only took a 1 hour nap Monday and Tuesday because of our fair trips, and now his normal nap schedule is being pushed back to nearly 3:30 (from 2:30).

I'm not ready for him to give it up, although I imagine at least in the next year or so he will be ready for a "quiet play time" rather than a nap time. I only hope these two boys don't destroy my house when that happens.

In other news, I obviously have not been blogging (with co-op and the fair again Tuesday, I was lucky to get everything done that absolutely had to be, and I'm using Wednesday as a bit of a catch-up day.

If you want a list of "firsts" for my kids at the fair, here it is:

  • D's first real horse ride
  • D's first real Ferris Wheel
  • J's first Super Slide ride (with mom)
  • D also rode a fun house, monster trucks, super slide, train, carousel, and bulldozers. J rode a few of those, but was hesitant to get on some of the rides by himself this year.
  • We ate corn dogs, Eastern NC barbecue on a stick, foot long hot dogs, fries, and ice cream.
  • We saw the gardens, a fire dancer, a working corn mill, a ton of animals and various crafts.
  • We walked through hordes of people and back and forth from the parking lot, and fought over strollers, and had a few brief scares with losing the kids.
Overall, the good outweighed the bad, and it was a fabulous trip spread out over several days. And, if you're curious, we did determine that we can hear the fireworks from the fair at our house. We got to hear them twice up close and personal, and we can hear the rumble after the kids go to bed from the comfort of our home. Because I don't think we are planning on taking them again anytime soon.


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