The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's that time of year again. The UPS truck that drove past our house today stopped at approximately 50% of the houses on our cul-de-sac. The UPS driver can now finally say that their job is that of the mail man (going to almost every house on the street). I'm sure that on the next route, they will have the second of my packages that I'm expecting today.

If you think this is going to be another guilt-inducing post, it's not. I'm truly thankful that we live in a place where we have so much. In the vast majority of American communities, families get to make decisions this year. Rather than trying to decide what country to flee to, or what to plant in their garden in the hopes of living off of it for the next few months, we can decide between all sorts of other choices.

We can decide whether to eat vegetarian or be omnivores. We can decide whether to go on a diet or join the gym. We can decide whether to buy our kids another few toys or throw in a few cheater gifts like clothes or educational toys. We can decide whether to park in our garages or fill them up with our excess.

And I truly don't mean this post sarcastically or materialistically. I'm trying to find peace in the decisions of this time of year. Whether it's deciding what charity to give to, or what toy to buy that your kids don't even need, the decisions we have to make this time of year can be stressful. Do we go to that third Christmas party, or skip it this year for hot cocoa with the family? Do we watch The Grinch or Charlie Brown's Christmas? Do we wrap presents from Santa, or have our kids wrap presents for neighbors in need?

So, rather than get stressed out over all the decisions that we make, or wonder what the purpose is of it all, let's be thankful for the most wonderful time of the year.

On a night long ago, but not so very long as it seems
A tired young girl had a waking dream
Of an angel, a miracle, a virgin birth
A Savior breaking chains moving heaven to Earth.

We celebrate this gift in our broken homes,
With our children's materialistic moans,
And our anger and fear grows strong
Even when it feels so wrong.

Our world is still broken, so what can we say?
How can we truly celebrate this special day
And still do what needs to be done?
We must sit still, listen for the One

The still, small Voice that speaks louder than all

When we listen quietly, we will hear His call
He guides us, leads us, walks beside us.
Though we hide, he always finds us.

So rather than feel the guilt and shame we deserve.
Open your heart and listen to his words.
Feel His peace, His love, His comfort and rest
In His amazing payment for our debts.


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