Saturday Food Budget Update (Final)
This is the last week of our "super low" food budget because we officially got paid today! Getting used to once per month paychecks instead of every two weeks is quite a change. Here's our breakdown for the week. Kroger Total: $43.61 Purchased: two loaves of bread, 8 2-liter diet sodas, cereal, mini muffins, Cheez Its, goldfish, mac & cheese (2), fruit snack (2 boxes), cookies, hot pockets (2 boxes), 2 lbs apples, hot dogs, tortillas, 2 avocados, lunch meat, sausage pancake sticks, Kroger brand mac and beef in a can. Aldi's Total: $19.51 Purchased: orange juice, mini muffins (these are for the soccer team I coach), baby carrots, vanilla yogurt, navel oranges (also for soccer team), baked beans (for a pot luck), salad dressing x 2 (for book club salad bar), juice boxes (soccer team), gum, peanut butter cheese crackers (soccer team), and brown sugar. I'm thinking i overbought for the soccer team, but it's a Friday night game at 6pm, so I thought th...