Saturday Food Budget Review

Only two shopping trips this week, so the budget should be pretty easy. I did go a little over budget this week, but shouldn't be by much more than I "saved" the past couple of weeks.


Spent: $84.61

Bought: Stouffer's Lasagna (2 person size), Banquet pot pie (2), ice cream sandwiches (12), Yoplait yogurt (2), Kroger cheese (16 oz x 2), Breyer's ice cream, Private selection coffee K-cups (12 ct), goldfish (2), 1 avocado, 18 ct eggs (1.77), Red Leaf lettuce, Belvita biscuits (2 boxes, 1 box used for snacks for soccer team), peanuts, 2 free candy items from Free Fridays, yellow bell pepper, chicken nuggets (refrigerated on clearance for $1.59 for enough for the whole family), bottle of wine, 2 bananas, generic brand cereal (x 2), canned peas, 3 gallons of milk, 1/2 gallon of orange juice, 4 diet 2-liter sodas, 18-pack of beer, 4 x 12-pack cans of soda (if my husband doesn't bring cans of soda to work he ends up buying bottles for $1.35 each from the vending machine) and they happened to be on sale this week when he was running out!

In general, we bought a lot of frivolous things at Kroger. I think something like 35% of our spending was on beverages, yikes! But, the beer should last at least a month, and the cans of soda as well.


Spent: $10.47

Bought: one package of kiwi (7 whole pieces of fruit), mini marshmallows, cheese curls (store brand cheeto's), whole grain white bread, Fruit Gushers (name brand), oyster crackers, juice pouches (store brand Capri Sun), pack of tomatoes (3 large slicer tomatoes), and peanut butter wafers.

Total weekly spending: $95.08


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