
My life can get very hectic, and I tend to do things at the last minute. Organization is definitely not my strong suit. So, today, I have a few things hanging over my head that haven't been done yet since we've moved. Some of them are rather important things. And I have to sort through the immeasurable amount of "junk" and paper to find a few important things that I need in order to complete those tasks.

I have to look for things like immunization records and medical files. Things like car registration and the calendar which has gotten buried under a paper pile yet again. I am dreading the process, because what I really need to do is get rid of all these papers and start subscribing to the "touch it once" philosophy, but that's really hard for me to do.

I am definitely a procrastinator, although usually not when it comes to my kids medical appointments. However, it is really hard moving to a new city and we weren't even sure what area of town we would be living in. I had found a pediatrician once we found a house, but they wouldn't set up an appointment until they received the medical records. So, once I unbury the medical records that were mailed in the middle of all the craziness of moving, I can drive by to drop them off and try to set up appointments.

I also have to call the car insurance company and then try to contact our HSA from my husband's prior job, because we need to rollover the HSA from his old company to the new HSA.

Nothing like a busy, stressful day with two preschoolers running around the house. I might have to let them watch 2 episodes of Blues Clues...

Fortunately, when my kids have gotten sick, the Target Clinic was great for diagnosing "flu-like symptoms" and "double ear infection" so we haven't missed a traditional doctor's office too much. And they are up to date on immunizations through at least August.


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