Poetry Friday - March 22nd

I can feel Jesus' arms around me now
And my fears all rush away
Like the dark and scary night does
At the start of every day

So turn my eyes from things that cause
Fear and lust, like princely frogs
And turn my feet, so when I run
I will end up at Your throne

I can feel Jesus' eyes upon me now
And the hate is gone today
Like the chaff within the wheat
That the wind just blows away

So turn my lips towards Your own
Let Your love, like a river flow
And turn Your hands, so I can see
What my sins have done to thee

I can hear the angels songs right now
And the love has reached me here
Like a wild catapulting wind
Blowing me to heaven where

You'll turn my eyes from things that cause
Fear and lust, like princely frogs
And turn my feet, so when I run
I'll end up at heaven's throne
Turn my lips towards Your own
Let Your love, like a river flow
And turn Your hands so I can see
What my sins have done to thee.

So open up my black and dirty heart
Wash me 'til I'm white as snow
And I will do my every part
To let other people know

You'll turn our eyes from things that cause
Fear and lust, like princely frogs
And turn our feet, so we will run
And we will end up at Your throne
You turn our lips towards Your own
Love fills us like the river's flow
And turns our hearts towards Your Son
So we can see what grace has won


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