Dave Matthews Band - Live Trax Volume 10


DMB Live Trax Volume 10

1) Everyday
2) Dreamgirl
3) Crash into Me
4) Hunger for the Great Light
5) Louisiana Bayou
6) When the World Ends
7) Grey Street
8) The Idea of You
9) So Much to Say » Anyone Seen the Bridge »
10) Too Much
11) Sister
12) Lie in Our Graves
13) #41 »
14) American Baby Intro
15) Two Step »
16) Ants Marching
17) Gravedigger
18) Jimi Thing
19) Stay (Wasting Time)
20) Don't Drink the Water
21) Pantala Naga Pampa » Rapunzel

Volume 10 of the Live Trax series takes us to a concert which took place a mere two months after Volume 9.  This show, part of the 2007 Europe tour, was noted for the crowd.  The audience in Portugal was absolutely insane and the recording captures it.

This album, thankfully, is better than Volume 9.  Once again though, I'd put this one in the "historically significant" category rather than the "great" category.  It's not badly performed by any means (my favorite 2007 release), but it's 2007 and there's no getting around it.

The first half of the set is off to a slow start with Everyday, Dreamgirl, and Crash Into Me.  It doesn't take off with Hunger or Bayou or When the World Ends either.  Grey Street and The Idea of You, although good songs, don't necessarily work here.  By the time of So Much to Say to Sister, the crowd may have been in a frenzy, but I am pretty relaxed.  There are just no standouts of anything here, and the overall song selection is weak (in my opinion).

The second half of the set is better.  Lie In Our Graves is good, and Tom Morrello guests on #41 and American Baby Intro.  The Two Step and Ants Marching are both great versions and close out the first set nicely.  The first encore starts with a nice solo Gravedigger but then derails with Jimi and Stay.  Thankfully, the crowd was nuts and a second encore happens, this time with Don't Drink The Water and Rapunzel - a much better way to end the show.

This show catches a lot of grief because of when it came out and the time period it captures.  At this point in the series, we had 5 volumes from 2004 forward (representing 7 total shows) which is, again, not what the series was hoped to be.  Although this is not a poorly played show, the songs being played at this point and the energy behind them (crowd excluded) just isn't there for me.  It's not one I revisit all that often, although it does get occasional play from me for Morello's guest spots.

The crowd is really the highlight on this release.  There's nothing to be upset about with the mix otherwise.

I give this 1 of 5 stars.  Again, it's not a poorly played show, but I'd rather have Crush, Say Goodbye, Warehouse, Lover Lay Down, and Best of What's Around than Dreamgirl, Everyday, Hunger, Stay, and Jimi (at least at this point).  No matter how well played a show is, the set list is still a major factor.  If you don't have a 2007 release, I'd get this one.  Otherwise, save your money.

Recapping where we've been, in case you've missed a few reviews:
Live Trax 1: 4/5, purchase
Live Trax 2: 2/5, skip
Live Trax 3: 5/5, purchase
Live Trax 4: 3/5, skip
Live Trax 5: 5/5, purchase
Live Trax 6: 2/5, skip
Live Trax 7: 5/5, purchase
Live Trax 8: 3/5, purchase
Live Trax 9: 0/5, skip
Live Trax 10: 1/5, skip

Live Trax Overall: 3/5, 5 purchase, 5 skip
It's interesting to me to keep a running total as I do this to come up with a score for the overall Live Trax series.  (My average is per volume, not per show.    So far, I'm running exactly average.  Not bad.  I have a feeling, based on the shows upcoming over the next 10, that I'll be running a bit above average by the time I'm done with 20.


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