Guest Post - Fiction Friday - The Case of the Missing Meatballs

The Case of the Missing Meatballs

As narrated by DC

One day, I was in the kitchen in my house. And then, I wanted to go into the living room. And then, I gone back into the kitchen, and then I saw my meatballs. They were gone.

I’ll give you some clues:
  • His name is Algebra and he was a mean guy.
  • He liked meatballs and he would like 1,000 meatballs, and I had the mix for that.
  • And so he stole the mix.
  • So, I had to buy some more mix, and then he stole the mix again.
  • Again, and again, and again he did that.

Then I said, “Crazy typing!”

Then I wanted to do that…


We tried to kill Algebra.

And then, and then, he almost got dead.

But, he actually had a gun, and I died, because he shooted at me. And he shooted at mommy too.

And then, he shooted Daddy.

And then, he shooted our grandparents. So, Gran and Pa are dead.

A fairy came and got Daddy alive, because God helped him.

Then the police, which was Daddy, put Algebra in jail.

The end.

Bonk. I didn't want to say that.


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